Claudia Lucy Holden - Time, Mortality and Memory - a montage of old photos

wings and wonky gold tinsel halo); my dad holding my little hand while pointing out trinkets on a skinny, virulently-coloured, tinsel-festooned Christmas tree that I've always remembered as being huge, sumptuous and beyond beautiful; me a bit later on with pudding-bowl haircut, National Health-issue dark brown specs and Clothkit dungarees…. And so they go on.

For many years I had only the smallest handful of photographs from my childhood. There are years and years of my life, places I have been, rooms and houses that I've lived in, friends I've loved and possessions that meant so much to me at the time but of which I have few visual records.

My memories are distanced by the years and, with only a scattering of pictures to jog my recollections, I know the power that images have to conjure up flashbacks. Without photographs to prompt me, to trigger the subconscious, many of my memories are flawed at best, minimal at worst.

My sons laughed till they cried seeing these pictures, while at the same time spotting themselves in photos of me. My youngest is still convinced that the school portrait of me aged five is in fact his older brother in a dress. (Yup, sadly I can see the similarity.) For me though, looking at these photos brought the memories flooding back. So many things I had forgotten; so much of my history wrapped up in those album pages. So much of what made me Me.

Then I was given some long-forgotten family photo albums. Pictures of me as a baby, my young, good-looking dad holding me with such pride; my first birthday party hosted by a dear family friend, complete with pineapple-chunks-’n-cheese on cocktail sticks and a jam sponge; me clutching my beloved Pink Bunny, shockingly pinker and fluffier than I remember him; me sitting uncertainly on the bed in my Big Girl bedroom with a newborn baby brother balanced precariously on my chubby lap; the same fat, blonde two-year-old brother on a blue tricycle in summer, wearing a homemade fancy dress angel costume (pillowcase tunic, silver foil coat-hanger

Photographs connect us to our past; they’re evocative and textural and emotional and take you back to specific moments. They remind us of people, places, feelings and stories. They can help us to know who we are. And to know that we loved and were loved in return.

When my first child was born, I immediately started to amass a million-plus pictures of him: on my phone, my iPad, my camera.

For me, for him, for his children and for his children's children.

To laugh at, to enjoy, to trigger both his and my memories as the years go on.

By the time Son Number Two appeared four years later I knew I wanted to leave a photographic legacy,

not just for me and my kids, but also for other parents and children.

The thing is, we all have cameras on our phones and we all take a million-billion-trillion pictures of our loved ones on a fairly regular basis.

We post them to social media, we briefly turn them into screensavers, we sometimes even stick them on a Christmas card and send them to distant relatives.

What we don't do though is print them, frame them, enjoy and relish them, or archive them for the future in a beautiful bespoke album.

That's my job!

I’m passionate about creating beautiful, custom-made, commissioned artwork for you to hang in your home forever. Albums, individually designed and stitched by hand in Italy, no two the same. Old world craftsmanship combined with new world technology, giving you the very best HD print quality available today. Heirlooms for your children; memories for you to treasure.

Childhood is so very fleeting (3650 days give or take) and our children seem to change and grow both in mind and body almost by the day. 3650 days of magic and make-believe, Father Christmas and fairies, imagination, adoration and enchantment.

My photographs capture some of those minutes and moments.

I want you to look at your portraits and see not just a cute baby, an adorable kid, a beautiful family, but for the image to also spark a memory. A feeling that you are right back in the moment: enjoying the shoot, laughing with your oh-so-loved ones, experiencing the real essence and soul that is the heart of your family.

Of course I will take some cute/beautiful/handsome shots but the most powerful memories are often those we least expect so I may also take some sulky, stroppy, funny, adorable, happy, giggly, silly, loving, laughing, tender moments as well.

No matter what stage your child is at, there’s no wrong time to have him or her photographed. Call me to chat about your ideas and what you want and, if you like me and like what I do, let's set up a time for your in-home, no obligation Design Consultation. I capture images through play and movement, not uncomfortable posing and false smiles. I'm not going to make you sit weirdly, you WILL look fabulous and, above all, I promise it’s going to be Fun!

Claudia Lucy Holden Maxlow-Tomlinson profile pic

Up front:

5 things you need to know about me

It's all about fun

I'm obsessed with details

I hate being photographed

Claudia Lucy the photographer in action. With bluebells and child. Surrey and West Sussex.

Kids like me

I have the patience of a saint



What's your idea of perfect happiness?

What's your greatest fear?

Which talent would you most like to have?

That glorious rush of overwhelming love: the profound love I feel for my boys - the family I used to dream of but never thought I’d have; the protective and grateful love I feel for my friends; a sincere, expressive hug.

Being lost in creativity; the sanctuary of home; the beauty of nature and marvellous views; the reflection of gratitude and contentment; the peace and stillness of solitude, and the sense of achievement when I overcome an obstacle and accomplish something new.

Homelessness, and not being able to keep my loved ones safe.

The ability to sing in tune. Or cook.

Actually on reflection, the latter would be the most useful....

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

Which words or phrases do you most overuse?

Not to wake up groggy and Zombiefied every single morning, even if I've slept for twelve hours!! I'm so not a morning person!!! On the plus side, I can - and often do - edit all night long...



I have loads of them! But the one I always find myself coming back to is:

"Whatever you dream you can do, begin it.

Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

Begin it now." [Goethe]

My other absolute favourite is:

"Life is amazing. And then it's awful. And then it's amazing again. And in between the amazing and awful it's ordinary and mundane and routine. Breathe in the amazing, hold on through the awful, and relax and exhale during the ordinary. That's just living heartbreaking, soul-healing, amazing, awful, ordinary life. And it's breathtakingly beautiful." [LR Knost]

WhAt's your favourite drink?

What is your favourite colour and flower?

It depends on what time of day it is.... Before noon: endless cups of weak, milky Earl Grey (!); 12-4pm: Diet Coke; 4-6pm: more tea; after 6: Champagne, white wine (summer), a good red (winter) or Silent Pool gin with elderflower tonic and a squeeze of fresh orange...

Colour: Yellow

Flower: Blush-pink peonies, white or yellow roses, lilies, sunflowers. Also daffs, bluebells and tulips.

What's your greatest achievement?

What do you most dislike about your appearance?

Learning to walk again after I broke my back. And then my pelvis. And then my knee. Twice. Yup, that's what can happen when you mix competitive sport (skiing/swimming) with youth plus hyperflexibility 🤦‍♀️

My belly.

What Is your favourite occupation?

Taking photos of the people I love. No seriously, it is!

Who are your favourite writers?

Now that's a hard one! Mel Robbins, JP Delaney, CS Lewis, Gill Sims, Wilkie Collins, Roald Dahl, EM Delafield, Maggie O'Farrell, Anna Ellory, Wilbur Smith, AA Milne.... and the list goes on!

What's your Motto?

What's your greatest extravagance?


(Which recently, and rather wonderfully, I discovered was also my Great Grandfather's motto and is engraved on the family silver... !! Coincidence or serendipity...?! 🤷‍♀️ )

Allowing myself time out to read a book (which doesn't happen nearly enough these days!). Also long, hot bubble baths, candles (LOTS of them!), having fresh cut flowers in the house and getting my nails professionally done.

What is the quality you most like in a person?

It's my questionnaire so I'm choosing two! Authenticity. And kindness.

Where would you most like to live?

By the sea, preferably in a hot country!



The Ground Rules Over Here

Work hard. Rest hard.

Have courage and be kind.

Bravely press forward.

Help others along the way.

Seek to understand. We are not all in the same boat.

Maintain servant-hearted integrity.

Take Action and build a life that matters.




An At Home Photo Shoot. Portrait of a little girl smiling while enjoying pool play. Wisborough Green, West Sussex

Claudia, you don't just take photos. You encapsulate time and memories.

Photograph of a happy family. Barnett Hill Hotel, Guildford, Surrey

I can't recommend Claudia highly enough - she has a great eye for detail and we couldn't be happier with the end results that she has achieved.

Bubbles & Fun. A family who play together laugh together. Photograph taken during a charity mini session at Cranleigh Golf Club, Surrey

Thank you for all the time you spent with my whirlwind offspring! We had a great experience. The pictures are amazing.

Photo from a family shoot at Littlehampton Beach, West Sussex. A mother and her daughters cuddling by the sea.

You have cemented my love and devotion for my girls in a way that is priceless, at a perfect time. Thank you a million times is not enough...

So flippin' excited to see this up on our wall! Thank you so much for catching such natural portraits of my gorgeous family.

Portrait of a family. All generations together. Barnett Hill Hotel, Guildford, Surrey

Seeing mum's reaction and the tears she had in her eyes showed me just how happy she was with your work and meant the absolute world to me.

Photograph of a family spending quality time together, enjoying their favourite walk. Wisborough Green, West Sussex

Thank you so much for capturing the essence of our family.

Trees, Parks & Woods. Photograph of a family enjoying quality time in Richmond Park, London

Thank you again for your wonderful work. We've had compliments from everyone!

Photograph of a little girl walking towards a big house. Barnett Hill Hotel, Guildford, Surrey

The photos are beautiful.

The Secret. Photograph of small giggling sisters sharing a secret while picnicking in the garden. Vachery, Cranleigh, Surrey

Claudia managed to capture so beautifully the individual characters of our children and portray them in such an inspiring and wonderful way.

Portrait of a Happy, Smiling Baby. Loxwood, West Surrey

Claudia's beautiful photography captured my gorgeous little boy in moments of tenderness, warmth and joy.

Praesent venenatis

Beach Fun. Happy siblings playing at the seaside.Photo from a family shoot at Littlehampton Beach, West Sussex.

Claudia has a real talent for photographing personality and the tiny details in her shots make all the difference.

A boy and his dog. Winkworth Arboretum, Godalming, Surrey

We are over the moon with all our pictures! So glad we have such fantastic images of our family which we can admire for years to come.

Photograph of a family and their dog relaxing on a bench in Vachery, Cranleigh, Surrey.

The girls both warmed to you from the start and you made the whole morning fun and relaxing. We loved seeing the photos - they are incredible.

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Claudia Lucy is an award-winning, professional lifestyle portrait photographer employed by families and celebrities. Based on the Surrey/West Sussex border, she specialises in outdoor countryside shoots at her Home Studio in the heart of the Surrey Hills - an Area Of Outstanding Natural Beauty - and beach shoots in Littlehampton and Goring. Her expertise lies in capturing natural, authentic, evocative moments that will spark a million memories, and then curating them into meaningful collections that tell your story: art that features your family.

07825 737519